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Re: Does anyone ever give you grief because of fasting?
RedRoses90 Views: 1,196
Published: 14 y
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Re: Does anyone ever give you grief because of fasting?

the only people that know that i fast are my parents, and although they dont like me going more than 3 days they are fine with it, they dont offer me any food when im fasting, but they do say that i shouldnt do it longer than 1 or 2 days. i dont tell friends that i fast, they wouldnt understand, they would probably not really care either.
i wouldnt of told my parents if i didnt have to, i was staying with them and it would be obvious i wasnt eating so i just told them and surprisingly they were ok with it.

if you explain why your doing it and what your goals are people seem to be more understanding, i wouldnt worry about the negative comments some people seem to think that even one day without food and they will die LOL its just ignorance.

stay strong with your fasts, and enjoy them, if when your trying people offer you food just explain how unhelpful it is, or try keep the fact, if possible, that you are fasting a secret at least for the first two days since these are the hardest days to resist the temptations offered to you


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