I have to disagree with you. On April 18th I've completed my first 40-day Combined Fast. The first 9.5 days were on a dry fast and the rest on water fast. While on Dry Fast for 9.5 days, I did not drink anything, did not brush my teeth, did not take showers or wash my face. If I had to wash dishes I would wear rubber gloves. The only thing I'd allow myself is to wash my hands after the restroom. This was not my first dry fast previously I dry fasted for 36 hours, 72 hours, and 5 days. Currently I am dry fasting for 18 hours daily to prepare for 11 day dry fast which I will be starting shortly. So to say that dry fast is in the same category with Water Fast is absolutely incorrect. You can read my 40-Day blog on http://www.fastingconnection.com/therapeutic-dry-fasting-moderated-by-empress...