Can coconut oil cause wierd paranoid racing thoughts/anxiety/insomnia
This is the second time recently that ive taken coconut oil with similar symptoms.
I have developed lump-in-throat anxiety while awake. way more anxiety than i normally have in the same situations. Paranoia and panic about things that shouldnt be bothering me that badly and really wierd thoughts while trying to sleep. While laying in bed eyes closed it's like my mind is racing but at the same time i cant finish a thought. Like i'm stuck in a half-dream state.
This same thing happened about a week ago. I stopped taking it and less than two days later i was sleeping normally. I blamed stress rather than the coconut oil. Took 1tbsp again last night and i'm back to the same.
I have read it can take a few days for the thyroid to adjust and things like this can happen until then. But, i have to be able to sleep. Should i push through it or give it up I tried a sample on my skin twice to see if there was an allergy and no reaction.
i do not have any other known
food allergies .
I am taking a good quality "garden of life" organic evco. It would be sad if i have to stop taking it. I was on it 3 days before the symptoms began the last time and it had really started to help my digestion. Is there a better quality product i could try