Re: Hi do i need to do a swf every day?
Good health pros don't grow on trees! You have to shop them as if your life depended on it!
For my part I could not have done what I have without the advice of my amazing naturopath. She has a very special bag of tricks, being a registered nurse who survived cancer only to have her oncologist put her on 45 days of
The Master Cleanser . He told her he had put the poison in, now he had to take it out! She said she had never felt better in her life, and the experience put her on the natural healing trail.
So she is a naturopath, an iridologist, a
colonic therapist, an herbologist and has a good understanding of allopathic medicine as well. She is very practical and knows when something is beyond her scope and will not hesitate to send you where you need to go to get the help you need.
You absolutely do need to have someone you trust when you need health advice. If you have any question whatsoever about the information you received from your caregivers, you need to dig deeper until you ARE satisfied! Three opinions is always a good place to start.
Meanwhile we educate ourselves, but I never feel educated to the point where I cannot use information from someone with higher education, so long as we see eye to eye about health matters. NOT EASY to find such a person, but so well worth while when your health is on the line.
Take care of you!