19 y
Re: Seeking Your Opinion
Dear Continuum Force
Dear Flushing Texas
I was the one who mentioned the castor oil cleanse. This method is quite harsh but very effective. Castor oil would be a way for cleansing the colon PRIOR to a liver flush.
From reading through your answers I feel that we should hear more of The Continuum Force. We don't know whether he cleaned his colon before the flush, after the flush, whether he did enemas or
colonics (very important if you ask me), what he is drinking postflushing, what sort of food he eats etc. pp
My opinion is , dear TCF, that you have sort of lost confidence in your own body.
My most sussessful flushes I had when I was able to let everything mentally go and was able to patiently and confidently await what would come.
Andreas Moritz always stresses that emotional things can be responsable for stones not getting out because the liver is so much connected to the mind and mood.
I had two super sucessful flushes - one yielding 2.400 stones, the other delivered a stone of 3 x 3
cm in size - - Each time I had a Sacred Santinomy Session with
Andreas Moritz some days or weeks before. I do not consider this as an accident. There is logic behind.
Furthermore keep in mind, that stones trapped in the colon can be the cause that you are not feeling better postflushing but WORSE.
My impression is, that something in the procedere went wrong. I have never heard of any person to feel worse after flushing.