I just had my third session and have my fourth one next week. At the end of my first session I had a feeling of something being lifted from me kinda like a burden off my shoulders. Before that I had been doing healing on some emotions left over from a relationship that caused a lot of my AF. I had been doing the healing codes on them and tons of different kinds of healing and forgiveness with some success for years. After my first session I realized that my head no longer wanted to go back to the memories that made me upset. It's like it didn't matter anymore. The last four weeks I have also been doing The Healing Codes by Dr. Loyd, supplements and meditation. I also contribute my healing so fast to all those things is well. I realized recovering from AF is like a job. You need to reprogram your whole day with positive food, supps, and mental healing. I have gone from waking up after 4 hours of sleep to sleeping 8 hours straight through. The bags under my eyes are almost gone. I am not sure but I think I am urinating less. I am no longer hungry every 3 hours. Not taking as many supplements the last 3 days. Hormones seemed more balanced. Anxiety gone. Lost weight which was almost impossible before with high cortisol. My muscle is able to build now, in the past when I worked out I had no muscle soreness and now I do. I actually went out last week and had too many cocktails and thought I had ruined my healing. I thought I had reverse everything I had accomplished the last several weeks but when I got up the next morning I was fine. No set back at all. Every single system is not gone but I am on my way. I feel like a normal person again. Terry whom I do my NMT with is also really affordable.