I've been doing Gupta Amygdala retraining and watching my thoughts lately and the first few days I couldn't believe how much fear I've accumulated lately. I've always been a very brave person. The first day that I did the Gupta amygdala training I pretty much had a constant stream of fearful thoughts going. Wow! It's so not me. Anyhow, in answer to Unys question a while back, yes I've almost always been a careful person (full of care, not full of fear), but it is most definitely my body that has conditioned me to be this careful. If I had my way I'd be couch surfing on strangers couches in foriegn countries right now and giving speaches about art and love. I actually had my first lecture scheduled in March in conjunction with my exhibition that I had to miss. Oh well, there will be more. Being sick like this is more education anyhow. I'm in training.