Agape love is a self sacrificing type of love to where we do not seek anything in return from the person we share this type of love with. Just like Jesus sacrified Himself on the cross for the unworthy and sinfulness of man.
Only if we are in need of their approval or love back from them, do we feel hurt....which would mean that we were showing a different type of love for them.
Now that being said.....if we align ourselves with other christians who also wish to practice agape love, then our chances should be less on being hurt because each person is making a choice to love the other in like manner and it's not based on feelings alone.
Much like marriage. A couple may marry because they have the hots for each other or perhaps have a friendship but what truly keeps a marriage together after 50 years after the hots cool off some? Agape's a mental choice that becomes a heart choice. If two people can not agree to have agape love for one another...then they should not marry until both have a true understanding of what they are agreeing to do.
I know there have been times I have had great expectations from other christians because I wanted them to show me agape love as well.....but it's that expectation that cancels my love for them as being true agape love. The best relationships are the ones where both people make the decision to practice agape love to each other.