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healthyartist Views: 2,662
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,788,933

Description of what I'd like

Okay, so I'm getting the distinct impression that we are all a little dissatisfied with the way that we look right now. Everyone who has messages me has asked if they could send old pics. I fully understand how you all feel as I feel the same. Truthfully though, I'd like honest visual descriptions of what you look like now. I picture having an exhibition some day that shows your beautiful and somewhat ravaged bodies. This means that lost eyebrows, circles under your eyes, skinny potbelly wrinkly grey haired sweet longing perfect bodies is what I'd like to paint. I have no interest in painting perfect people. I think it might even be nice to tell your story with the painting.... Maybe underneath it somehow or maybe in the title.

Also, this part isn't clear to me yet, but I might like them to incorporate some kind of visual description of your dreams. Or possibly healing herbs surrounding you.

If you'd like to participate I will ask for you to take a few pictures outside in the shade. This is the best way to capture even natural light, which will give me the most detail to paint from.

I might have you do the following:
-laying in the grass looking up at the camera
-laying in the grass looking to the side
-sitting tall in a straight chair looking at the camera
-sitting tall in a straight chair looking to the side.

I'd prefer to take some pictures of myself as examples before you take any pictures of yourself that way you can see what I'm hoping for. Also, I like to paint skin, so I would prefer that I can see yours. If you're a guy it would be great if you were shirtless or wearing a wife beater or something of that nature. If you're a lady a tank top would be great.

As I write this I'm realizing that many of you might be fearful of showing others (or yourselves) what you look like. I know. I understand. One thing that I've noticed is that for those of you who's pictures I've seen you are all really beautiful. My intuition tells me that you are still beautiful even if it doesn't feel that way.

So... Let me know what you think.

Btw, where are all of my ladies?


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