Re: Family Opposition Rather Than Support
Hi Scotty,
I agree with those reply above: just avoid those who don't understand (never mind whether they are ignorant or simply have no idea). Stick with the one who support you. If possible, avoid those who's been sucking up your energy.
First of all, you have limited energy. And you need to get well. So now, spent your limited energy on things that can help you get well. If someone doesn't understand, never even waste time and energy to convince them. It just won't do. Simply block them out of your life. And focus on getting well.
I have met those who reaction is simply painful. But I also have several which has been very supportive. But majorly are clueless in between. So I won't wasted my time and energy on those who are ignorant, esp those who thinks they have all the answers and the one who ill is wrong. They are not worth of your explanation.
Surround yourself with good environment, supportive and understanding. If you can't find it in your family, find it elsewhere. You are not alone. We are all in this together. And yeah, just reading the postings here can really help you see that you are NOT imagining illness. We are NOT imaginary friends you know :) (just look at beautiful picture of Beth and know we are real people.)
And no, they like to label you insane, you are NOT, don't give them that chance. As the matter of fact, they are the one who are (and just because they are majority doesn't mean they are right.)
Praying for you,