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I just spent the last hour reading this...
thank you uny for directing me to this link.
Incredible stuff, i'm glad I read it. Makes sooo much sense, an gives hope.
I'm curious on the protocol though, is it the same protocol your telling me to do? it's basically juicing, superfood, if1 if2 correct?
It had all the testomonials, an everything to convince me that modern medicine is a freakin joke. I'm just wondering where is the protocol to follow now. what can i do to start doing what he would have me do? juice fast? exercise?
I think another part of it was negativity, i was drowning myself in it, an surrounded by it, I brought it upon myself, constantly being a negative person saying i'll never get better. I CAN get better, it's all there, i just have to do it. and avoid the negative in my life, everytime a negative thoght pops in my head now i try to obscure it with something else i'm grateful for. trying to focus on only positive feelings and emotions. realizing this is all for a reason, gods helping me, praying did work.