What I did was cancel all that [edit]
I had one done last Fall, and the MD told me that 70% of my colon looked great, but the pineapple juice I drank in prep must have had fiber in it that fouled up my procedure. She told me it was OK to drink it, so they almost got to make a few thousand more on me on another procedure if I hadn't canceled all future appts with them.
The way I feel is, IF they found anything wrong, my best chance for reversing / healing it would be to come here and be on this program, not anything they could come up with. They will use scare tactics or anything just to get the appts set up so all of them will have something to do and get a paycheck. Trouble is, it's all for them and we pay for it whether we need it or not.
Most disease begins in the colon and most MDs don't even know how to cleanse the colon, so there ya go.