Re: 4000 PPM "single atom" silver? Test your colloidal silver for chemicals, here is how:
["A Simple TDS meter will detect the particles..."]
#No it won't. TDS meters read electrical conductivity, and as the name implies, 'dissolved solids'. Particles are not dissolved, they are solids held in suspension by - well, I don't need to tell you how, I assume you would know how.
["...all the user of low ppm
Colloidal Silver , you will note that they are either Bald, or have a ton of premature GRAY hair".]
#Pure unadulterated bullsh_t.
["What you have are HEAVY Metals..."]
#Hope you're not suggesting Silver is a heavy metal cos it's not, it's a transition metal.
["3000 to 15000 PPM will outperform any other product out there,"]
#That may, or may not be the case, either way anyone who ingests stuff of that magnitude needs phsyciatric treatment...and fast!
The fact is, at that magnitude of silver in solution their is/are chemicals or proteins also in that product which prevents gravity from pulling that silver out of solution and ending up as gravel in the bottom of the storage vessel.
Give a bottle of that stuff a vigorous shake and tell me what you observe?
[" you have a new competitor that actually offers non chemically made
Colloidal Silver with a far smaller particles and more concentrated, you are going to do your best to bash the product, it competes as well as goes against the grain of the industry."]
#I think you're pretty safe there. I can't imagine anyone having only half a brain would attempt to compete with that stuff. And it doesn't, quote, "go against the grain of Industry" end quote, it goes against logic, chemistry and common sense.
It's rubbish similar to what you're sprouting that gives this stuff such a bad rep, any wonder your FDA and our TGA brought in protect everyone from products such as yours, and the BS that goes with it.
From a previous posting of yours:
["20 measly nano particles will do nothing..."]
#You don't even have a basic understanding of how the silver is measured it seems?
I think I've read enough of this BS. Anyone who knows *anything* about EIS/CS will steer WELL clear of your stuff anyway!