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Re: Can someone please help me?I am so lost and I need help to figure out the core of my problemt
stacie2010 Views: 4,740
Published: 14 y
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Re: Can someone please help me?I am so lost and I need help to figure out the core of my problemt

we need to fight this immuno-suppressive and fungal infected debilitating situation. i have also started taking Iodine content to cure fungus growth and Gentian violet (1%)is a dye that kills bacteria and fungi works as treatment for thrush. i notice these symptoms are similar--- evil breath, body with ammonia + rubbery odor, scaly skin, red spots on the chest and thrush on my tongue. We can fight this. keep up with the research, donot depend on md for answers. We are the ones undergoing this terrible experiences. DON'T GIVE UP. We must overcome this.........


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