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Can someone please help me?I am so lost and I need help to figure out the core of my problemt
wish11 Views: 6,155
Published: 14 y

Can someone please help me?I am so lost and I need help to figure out the core of my problemt

One of my family member has Body Odor and I developed same and different Body Odor after I live with that person.I don't know if it is a genetic thing or not.It is amazing on how my symptoms made me confused in how to figure out the core of the problem

My Body Odor is mainly coming form groin area.People always complained about strong dead fish smell.Even my ex bf told me so .I have been to gynacologist several times and still going.They were so confused because all the test came back negative.One of the doctor orded me nystatin,and many Antibiotics just to treat me with any infection I may have.The symtoms went away when I took the Antibiotics for a period of may be 3 days.Then all the symptoms came back.

I sometimes feel that I have tmau and sometimes candida.When I don't drink enough water my symptoms get worst.When I take shower I see dirt coming out of my skin.Like a lot of dead skin peeling and also some thing black.One time I took charcoal pills and chlorophyll tablet .The peeling skin and dirt completely stopped and my body odor get its worst stage.It even made me sick.I don't know if it is the charcoal or the chlorophyl.I guess it is the chlorophyl.

The other confusion is cabbage,meat,egg(organic and yolk) doesn't make my body odor worst which are a big no no for tmau.But I remember eating egg whites only and made me stink bad.I was thinking that the egg white's sulphur content is so high and I somehow can't tolerate it.It never happened when I eat the full egg with yolk.

Soda especially coke,potato chips,pasta (wheat the worst),fast food,tuna makes me smell bad.

I use tea tree oil soap and that is just fine for me.Most perfume make me sick and smell bad on me.Before I had this problem I used to wear and never had any roblem and smll great n me.

I also have a white staff coming out of my nose when I blow out instead of the clear one.I thought that is a fungus infection.

I never drink water for many many years before I developed this problem and I think may be this problem is caused by extreme soda usage and my body is full of toxic unable to get rid of toxins.

I have tried everything and everything again.I just want to figure out what s going on.

After a good workout at the gym I see pimples in my ches and forhead the next day.My skin is not that clear as it used to be and sometimes I see a red tiny bloody mark as if something bites me.I have foot fungus which I can't get rid of.

I have sluggish digestive system and my BM is not as often and I feel constipated and bloated most of the time.

I know that it is a long post but I appreciate your help.


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