Re: Aging puffy face, Eye bags, Pale fingernails. what does this mean??
I'm not sure what your "FT4" level is measuring. If that is your total T4 (or Total Thyroxine), normal range is approximately 4.5 to 12.5 (your level of 16.7 would be indicative of HYPERthyroidism). If you are saying it is Free T4, (or Free Thyroxine), normal range is approximately 0.7 to 2.0. It may be different in the US vs UK. Not sure. Your specific laboratory should have made a notation if the values are abnormal.
As for your TSH, 3.1 (if it is the same value as US) is actually creeping up to the high side. Over here, the American Academy of Endocrinologists changed their recommendations back in 2003 but the labs still have the printouts listing the old values as normal. This will give you a guide..
The rest of labs look OK. The bilirubin looks a little high (the normal range for Total Bilirubin is 0.3-1.9 mg/dl, yours is 5). This can be from the breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells from a lot of different things, sometimes indicates some liver stress but can come from blockage in the bile duct as well. Just keep an eye on it, it isn't terribly elevated. It may just be a difference in the labs, I've never heard of an albumin of 50, normal range is 3.4-5.4 g/dL here.
If you are concerned about "feeling" Hypothyroid, a good book by Dr. Mark Starr is called Hypthroidism Type 2 and it explains what can alter test results and cause confusion in the diagnosis.....