Dear Lord... the MOTHERLOAD of flukes came out of me.
Holy crapola! No wonder I've been so anxious that I've felt like I was losing my mind! This evening, I passed a few more nests of the baby flukes, but literally hundreds and hundreds near what looked like a good thousand (maybe I was loopy but I am NOT exaggerating) of the baby
Celery strand looking baby flukes. NO adult flukes it seems like.
LOL. Is this normal? .. to have had THIS many flukes? How I handled today with all of that in me I don't know.. things that I know helped were the charcoal, a gallon of water per day, rebounding, and I've been getting them out with 2 cup
water enemas (they are seriously plugging things up).
I still have some coming out of me... I can feel it in my liver, and I still feel the hypersensitivity to my senses and the anxiety, albeit it's MUCH less.
Other symptoms from these things dieing off... or others moving.. or something in between:
-itching all over my body in different places
-anal itching
-random numbness and tingling and throughout my forearms to arms
-and the CNS sensitivity
ALSO, a testament to foot reflexology. It's been working like this:
-I'll be feeling a certain level of anxiety which is rather low and then working on the liver spot on my feet, shortly after my CNS starts shooting off... get jittery, anxious, foggy... the reflexology is working the flukes or w/e else out of the liver and it's then entering my digestive track, allowing their die off affect me, hence the increase in symptoms with the reflexology.
Well, the next few days I'm going to continue to work these things out and hopefully by Friday I will be 100% ready for spring break and FEELING GREAT. I am already feeling SO much better since I stopped the
parasite stuff a few days ago, and when I come back from break will start hitting it up moderately this time.. as opposed to all out like I was before.
Well, I forgot.. the blood detox tincture definitely played a part in this. The cloves, goldenseal, and the other things in there really kicked butt.
Hopefully I won't wake up tonight and stumble for the charcoal. My plan is to get the charcoal completely outta me, get back to 3-4 BM with IF 1,2.. and stick to lots of fruit, oat groats, honey, and lots of carrot/celery juice w/superfood.. work on the foundation for a bit before I hit it hard again (if I still need to), and feel AMAZING in the process. It's been since fall of 2006 since I could really say that... when I was a wee 18 years of age.
Well, think about it. I just MASS
parasite killed off and GOT THROUGH IT. Alive.. and stronger. If I can, you can too. Charcoal, exercise, water, and EFT will get you through that. :)