I know I should know this already, but let me see if have this correct. Since I am one of the lucky people who can't break down Cysteine--which according to Cutler is common in Hg poisoned people--NAC and MSM are not good choices. I just tried eggs again recently and they still don't work. The other choice is MolyB, right?
about 1,000mcg 2-3x/day ish
I did this once for about two weeks this past summer when I started running the doctrine but can't say I really noticed anything.
I am getting right now that I actually should do some IP6 before I do Moly, I have a bottle unopened and I have been meaning to try it for a long time but it hasn't come up. Can you make any recommendations on approximate dosage range and time span--just so I am in a reasonable ballpark?