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Re: Why do some supps make me cold? And does anyone know if Lysine increases thyroid function?

Lysine is a byproduct of normal cell metabolism, Lysine deficiency goes with Copper toxicity.

More in this rant:
Newport on Copper  by Newport   18 mon  1,436

Subject:   Newport on Copper
Username:   Newport     contact Newport
Date:   9/1/2009 12:55:52 PM   ( 18 mon ago )
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Time to spell it all out and save it in favorites, anyone reading this should do the same I am getting very bored having to repeat and repeat and repeat…


Let’s start simple and use Iron since it reflects exactly what happens to copper but is simpler;

Iron and copper are used by the body as oxidizers. Copper is used to change Iodide storage in the Thyroid to Iodine when needed and I am sure you can find pages on what Iron does.


Super oxidizers, those include Hg, Pb, Chlorine and yes MMS, actually oxidize these mild oxidizing metals. They turn Iron into Rust and Copper in oxidized Copper. This change of ions makes them bio-unavailable but still fools the body into thinking you have plenty.

So when a good chunk of your Iron is turned into Rust it can no longer do its job. Yet the body refuses to absorb any more of it because as far as it is concerned it already has plenty.

A 2 minute search on CZ by typing in “Iron IP6” will show you that plenty have fixed Iron deficiencies by removing Iron (Rust) from their bodies.

In short you can be both Copper/Iron toxic and Copper/Iron deficient.


A very similar process occurs with Copper, except that once oxidized the normal adrenal function of binding elemental Copper to an amino acid is broken. The adrenals work 24/7 attempting to bind to this Ionized Copper (IC) and fail until you get adrenal burnout. Finally there is no option left but to store that IC in cells where it continues to play havoc.

Since it is still toxic (not bound to an amino) it breaks the lysine, potassium and salt pump of the cell and also disturbs Taurine levels.


Lysine is a byproduct of normal cell function and together with Selenium is the first line of defense against viruses. So any viral infection will eat up the tiny amount of Lysine produced and always present HSV can go to town.


When we first started biofeedback Lysine was always red (problematic), we like everyone else just figure that was because it was needed to kill HSV. It is only later that we figure out that a copper toxic person is ALWAYS Lysine deficient and that is the reason HSV can flare up.


The best way to deal with this toxic copper is to bind it to sulfur like MSM, I recommend you take both NAC and MSM because it is inevitable that the kidneys will try and steal some to convert it to up the bodies Glutathione (GSH) content. So by supplying both forms you help both the copper detox and improve GSH levels.


Which brings us back to sulfur and chelation, taking sulfur with large levels of Hg and/or Pb is not advisable see Cutler on that…



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