Re: I would...Re: what would you do ?
I havent seen anyones replies till now as I wasnt even logged in and didnt realize it cause I never log outta this site ..ever . I know you are way busy Uny and I really wasnt expecting an answer anyways but I thank you very much .
but yeah Uny I know you are right thank you..I am canceling consultation appointment with doc first thing Monday .I had planned on it anyhow as I am feeling much better now ..slowly but surely I am getting there .
it was the experimenting with taurine that got me into this mess anyways .
still waiting on the mastic gum to come in and hoping it will be here monday . thing is there is no proof that mastic gum will kill this bacteria ..a bunch of maybes and some yes's and some no's .even
Antibiotics are not really killing it off like they should obviously or I wouldnt have it again . also most everyone has this bacteria but only some are aggravated by it so its kinda confusing to me . I know that a perfectly healthy individual shouldnt have problems with it and I am not that obviously .I have had stomach problems all my life though even as a child I had to have stomach Xrays and a colonoscopy and was found to have spastic colon and a very nervous stomach .
I can tolerate some garlic and cayenne now although I have just been getting in 1 dose a day and dont wanna push it just yet .
my reflux/burning pain in chest/stomach is going away and the heartburn I had been having ..getting better every day . just to note that I did not have bad stomach problems until I started taking the taurine with vit d . taurine known to detox the liver,good for anxiety , and will cause the stomach to produce more acid than it usually does . anyhow whats done is done with that and now I got to focus on getting better .
I understand the description of acid reflux and hiatal hernia . thanks for that .it does make sense.I see how the liver can press on the stomach and cause problems too.and being overweight with fat accumulating in the belly area can also cause add to that . I dont know whether I am making too much acid now or not enough now .I know that when I take IF#1 and thats with food or with IF#2 that it burns my stomach really bad at times and that was before,now its not even an option or not yet .I also know that when I take the garlic and cayenne I get reflux symptoms too . also I was under the impression that the gastritis symptoms I was having was due to too much acid and damage to the stomach wall/lining . mostly due to the h-pylori infection I assume .yes my stomach was burning from the upper part of my chest to the bottom underneath the ribcage in the middle .
I sometimes wake up with a bit of nausea from the castor oil packs which I think may be caused by some loosening up going on in there . didnt do one last night or the night before but plan on doing one all night tonight.(got it on now ) also when I dont do the CE's I am having constipation off and on . hoping I can add in the IF#1 soon as I need it pretty bad ..right now I am relying on prune juice and prunes themselves to make me go .
my poo has been stinking so bad here lately too ! I take that the castor oil pack is doing its job huh?
I know I still have loads of liver flukes in me still too which grosses me out and feeling anxious on removing them when I can. I was doing good that one time that I was really sticking to it if you remember my flush yielded a couple of days passing stones and quite a few liver flukes and some were pretty big . I think I had the liver opened up some and it was doing its thing . my whites of my eyes where so bright compared to before it was unreal .so yeah I know I need to do that again .
since abstaining from alcohol I really have not noticed much difference in how I feel as of yet ..
well knowing my reactions I guess that would sum it up as to why I havent been really commited to anything for long . I hate to say it but its true . Also my reactions and experiences with natural healing has been so raw and hard to deal with at times and you know how I am little scare and I am out . Also now that I am working I guess I am also scared of being in a hard spot with bad reactions and such and not being able to function at work . maybe I need to EFT that !
no I wouldnt go with chemo or radiation ever if I got cancer ! I would rather just die in peace than to be on that stuff so rest assured on that one . I know a lady right now that has been dx with stage 3 or 4 lung cancer that has spread to 2 other spots. prior colon cancer 3 yrs ago which she defeated with chemo and radiation . this time it is making her so sick that she has been in hospital 2 or 3 times already from dehydration and had to have 2 units of blood .I asked her if she wanted me to bring her some info on healing naturally and she said no that she was gonna do what the doctors say and go from there . she has 2 different types of cancer in her and the doctors said it was slow growing and said she would probably live 8-10 yrs without doing anything so she definately has time to heal this but she sadly has chosen not to see I clean house for this lady every other friday and I love her to death (1 of 3 that I have kept on since starting my job).she has been like a mom to me and it saddens me to see her go through all of this knowing that it doesnt have to be this way . but alas there is nothing I can do .
Ok I am not gonna say I am gonna give the EFT a go I am just gonna do it when I feel like I have time and the emotional space here at home without interruption to get it done . possibly late at night . maybe even tonight . I am gonna watch another video on it though .
even with my incosistencies I do feel like I have made some progress which to me is a plus but I am nowhere near where I need to be but I am closer than I was .I need to get the liver cleaned up and out . I need to do a
kidney cleanse and
parasite cleanse also . need to do a bad calcium flush I guess too but I do drink a lot of water so that should help the kidneys some .
what I do need is the link or info on how to do the keifer grains again .I need probiotics and can you tell me what probiotics strains are gonna be in it? or can we possibly know ?
I have been drinking the dairy keifer Lifeway brand ? plain kind of course . I think it tastes like buttermilk myself with a little kick
probiotics are something I do need and wanna learn how to make em myself .
also I have the rootbeer herbs here ..kept in my freezer I wanna use but not sure how to .dont worry if ya aint got time I will do a search and find out .
I have been buying frozen fruit for smoothies that we all enjoy and sometimes will mix in the dairy keifer with it in mine and a little stevia and its really good .
also you mentioned stevia being processed ? is it just the white powder stevia ? how bout the liquid such as sweet leaf brand like I use ? its a clear liquid ..just wondering if it was a safe form to use . I love stevia and do really well with it . I also found plain ole evaporated cane juice that comes from mexico (cant remember the brand name) under 3 bucks for 2 lbs . I assume that has chromium and all the minerals in it as it is darker than the processed kind .
also if anyone has a good recipe for saurkraut I would love to have one . seems like I remember reading a post on here about it but ? may just do a search for that to see if I can find it.
are the Unybombs ACV -molasses - cayenne ? I think I can benefit from them too .
made me some ginger juice tonight to put in the freezer and I didnt know if I was suposed to cut the skin off so I just put it in there whole . My juicer was vibrating like crazy and was kinda hot when I was finished but I got a little more than a cup out of it . that stuff is strong too! a little dab a do ya huh?
as far as reactions go ..a lot of times like with the superfood it is immediate .chest gets tight and I feel just awful and I dont know how to explain it I really don't . since I can take milk thistle now I dont think that its all in my head or nerves . gonna EFT that though like you suggested and see what happens . Its gonna take me a while to get it out me and find out the root cause though for sure .maybe next time I try superfood I will try and meditate and think positive thoughts and tell myself it is good for me and will not hurt me at all .. I want so bad to be able to be able to take the superfood like everyone else does . I do believe that it is my nervous system still being somewhat overeactive causing a lot of those reactions in me cause when I am calm they are really not bad like that at all. so I think there is a connection there .and EFT can possbily help with that for sure and yes I will give it a try .. but I am better than last year as far as taking herbal stuff.
I know modern medicine can be dangerous but I also know that without them a lot of people that I love dearly would not be alive today .my cousin is one of em .but thats a whole different story..I gotta respect em for that and the fact they saved my dad from a heart attack . he is still alive and with us today because of them . had he taken care of himself or knew how to then that probably would not have happened but fact is he didnt and I am very glad they were there to save his life .So I have mixed feelings about that and thats why its hard for me to wrap my head around what you say about them being the 1st leading cause of death .they definately have their place ..
I am mad however that they scared me into carving out my gallbladder .I would not have likely done that hadn't I been so fragile and gullible from the benzos but whats done is done and thank goodness I have not had problems with that .
I am not the same person .so no I dont wanna look back at those old posts as that was the old me .I really wasnt myself like I am now .I am more confident and more in control with my emotions than I feel like I ever was before except that one thing with taking herbs and such .( I sure hope Jboy can somehow see that he can be there too in time . things have really turned around since the 2 yr mark for me) . I also dont want people judging me because of those old posts and I wish I could take them all away but I can't . I have a new life and I am trying to live it and be happy and not obsess over my health or anything else stressful for me . yes I need to cleanse and I know this but I am not gonna stress over trying to do everything at once by the book but try to do one thing and keep adding others as I feel comfortable . thats how I have to do it . I love myself and wanna be good to myself now and with me not drinking that is a good start .alcohol has always been a big part of my social life on the weekend and with it came many good friends and acquaintences that I think a lot of to this day . It gave me the confidence I needed to help me talk to people and loosen up and do the things I needed to do because of the anxieties/fears I had . I dont need that anymore as my nerves are much calmer now and I can have a good time nomatter what and I am much more relaxed in social situations .I was always a shy type person really and very sensitive ,always got my feelings hurt real easy and still do to a point. I feel like I live a pretty boring life now so I gotta find something to do thats not gonna be unhealthy for me . still working on that .really missing my social life .
My appetite is no longer outta control either so that is a good thing. I eat normally now ..up until I started having stomach problems that is ..but it is returning ..I do my best to eat a
healthy Diet which helps a lot in how I feel .
I know I am not the picture of health but I am not on deaths door either ..and just because I am not doing the whole protocol or what someone thinks I should be doing I hope they/you dont hold a grudge against me for that .
sometimes the short road takes a long time to go down for some .
please know that I appreciate each and every one of you for your help and advice . sorry if I have been a pain in the past but I really have got a better outlook now and feel like I am moving forward ..where ever that may be .
:) blessings