OK---Bear with me. There are two things I have to get out of the way here. 55 is old? Excuse me?
Second, IMO, if it were me, I wouldn't put a photo of myself out there. One of the best things about CZ is that others can come in here bare their souls yet keep their anonymity. Considering your current legal troubles, personally I don't think it's a good idea to have your photo out there at all.
Now---as for your legal issues---Please hire a good lawyer! If you don't do this, it could hurt you in the long run.
Second, cut off ties with David. There is much too much drama going on in his life. I know---easier said than done. However, it's the best move you can make now. If you are having trouble doing so, seek out the help of a competent counselor who has experience dealing with such issues.