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Re: Iodine and Pets
Ginagirl Views: 7,643
Published: 14 y
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Re: Iodine and Pets

Hi Andy; Me and other pet owners have had the same experience as yours; the animal preferring the iodinated water bowl over the other.
I have also noticed I have to keep it low; one drop of Iodine per bowl is ok (approx 500ml)

I give my cats 100 mcg of selenium a week + a pinch of borax in their water too.
Raw liver Raw bones
Raw meat with skin and fat, not only the muscle meat.
Sometimes if the meat are questionable/a little off date; I cook it on the outside with real salt and iodine; then chop it/freeze it.
I spray some CS on all their raw food.
Make the most myself, put in the freezer; so it is easier to do.
A little kibbles; I hate it, but I need to sometimes.

I never have to see the vet, one of them was very hypo T due to cats fast food (before I knew better) he is doing ok now after iodine.
Once in a while they catch a mouse or a bird for superfood.

I believe the worst thing to do with them is all the vaccines; the constant licking & itching is a typical vaccine induced condition.


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