Iodine and Pets
A few years ago I added a few drops of
SSKI to my Springer Spaniels water bowl. He was 15, slowing down and was getting overweight. He drank the water without hesitation. I added
Iodine the next day increasing the drops to 5 and "AJ" was reluctant to drink. It seemed that AJ would drink his water with one or two drops but not much higher. One time I gave him fresh water in his regular bowl, and
Iodine treated water in a new bowl from my wife's nice set of dishes. AJ drank the
Iodine water first, then the regular water later after the treated water had run out.
After he was on Iodine for about three weeks we noticed a thick yellow paste leaking from all four arm pits. His skin was red and sore. We kept the area shaved and clean. It appears animals become toxic and need Iodine. He stayed on Iodine until we put him down at 17. I am sure we really never got him detoxed or his thyroid pumping again. We had switched from expensive Vet clinic dry dog food to more raw meats, bones etc. He would gobble up raw chicken wings from the store or chunks of raw deer meat from the local meat processing business.
I would be curious to know how many toxins are in dry dog food, although no question he was on fluoride water for years and always hunting in chemically treated corn fields.
I wonder how long and how healthy pets can actually live with a natural, native diet, less toxins and some Iodine?
We have not gotten a new dog yet, but our two cats drink Iodine water and love it.