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Some suggestions
Celestial Views: 7,002
Published: 14 y
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Some suggestions

Here's some things that have helped me in the past.

1.Drink a lot- the more you dilute whatever it is, the less it can irritate.

2.Marshmallow root tea/capsules. This root has been a lifesaver for me and others. I make a strong decoction (simmer chunks of root for a while), then strain. I usually kind of mash up the root chunks once they are soft because it seems to release more of the mucilaginous/jell-type substance in the roots. I think that is why it is so soothing to all mucous membranes but especially the urinary tract. You can use powdered root too. It is mild tasting and sort of thickened and I drink several cups. After a time lag so it can reach your kidneys/bladder, it is so, so soothing!

3. Epsom Salt and baking soda bath and add a pint of hydrogen peroxide (3% drugstore stuff)as you are getting in. I use 2c. or so epsom and about a cup of baking soda. Also very soothing and alkalinizing to your whole system. This can work wonders too.

Hope this helps!


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