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Burning bladder
healthyartist Views: 7,074
Published: 14 y

Burning bladder

So, last night I woke up about 10 times to pee with my bladder burning. It was by far the worst of my nights so far, but this has been going on and off for a few months now. My bladder seems to only burn at night, although my urethra burns in the day as well and I've been using water to clean it after every time that I pee. Sometimes if that doesn't work, I put terconazole on my urethra and that usually makes it stop burning.

Anyhow, I went to my doc to see what's up and she said that there wasn't any bacteria, that she thought yeast was unlikely and that I might have interstitial cystitis or am sensitive to something that I'm ingesting.

I just found out that you have to do a culture to really know for sure about bacteria which she didn't do. So, that may be my next step... But my mom has interstitial cystitis and it's possible that that's what I have. Although, I keep a serious food/ symptoms journal and I can't seem to find a correlation between what I'm eating or taking and my symptoms. Some times I will think I've found it, and then the next thing you know my bladder does the opposite of what I expected. The other thing is I'm intersted in the idea that the terconazole helps the burning to stop but it's not yeast related. I don't know if it just soothes the area because it's a cream, or something to do with it's ph. I don't know. Maybe I do have yeast there.

Anyhow, I was thinking about trying some parsely tea today because I know it's supposed to get rid of UTI's. Should I do an infusion (I guess by boiling water and then pouring it over the parsely), or should I cook the parsely in water? Also, what would be the difference between parsely tea and parsely juice in combatting a UTI?

I've watched the first 4 volumes of the SYL videos so Im in the know about that far in. If I wanted to use a tincture for my bladder, do I need to wait until I've done the first two parts of the program or could I start with that? Also, if I have IC and not a bladder infection my guess is that the appropriate herbs would be different. Your thoughts? I know that garlic is very very bad for my mom who has IC, but is great for a UTI. Things like cayenne are similarly devistating to my mom's bladder.

Thank you Uny and friends!!!


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