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Re: Update on my progress (long)
hypoadrenalgirl Views: 2,040
Published: 14 y
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Re: Update on my progress (long)

Even before going on Iodine in order to give the body a kick start like i did, start trying for vitamin Bs - Bee Pollen,1/4 teaspoon - 3 to four times a day, does wonders for me plus maybe some extra strong Vit B complex and of course B2 and B3 (ATP)-when you start Iodine again- apparently you need it and i find it gives me extra energy, must be cause it helps the detox process. Also start salt loading now, I also can't do without the salt loading, started before Iodine for my adrenals. i take about 1 to 1.5 teaspoons a day. And of course all the other supplements like Magnesium and Selenium (very important once you start increasing dosage) and start immediately also, the can not do without one - Vit C again I take it in natural form like Hip Rose. It seems a lot but when you get those horrible headaches, body aches, horrible skin (in my case hair loss also)drowsiness and depression, you'll appreciate it. Once you get started again with the iodine, your body will be cleared from all the detoxing your last iodine dosing did and ready for some more! I've now started increasing my dose to 7 drops a day of Lugol's and am beginning to feel immediately the energy everyone talks about - never thought it was going to happen to me but it did today for the first time , and that's without my licorice root that i take for the adrenals - imagine what it can do once you take it long enough for the thyroid to start working more consistently! - this is what i am aiming for!

Keep us posted with your progress - I'm only a newbie but people like Ginagirl are amazing with knowledge on the supplements. Everyone is open to helping here, couldn't do without them.



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