I'm pretty sure that one day of eating vegeterian at this point would crash my adrenals. I've worked very hard to pull myself up out of a very severe case of adrenal fatigue that was living hell every day. I can't ever throw all caution to the wind after going through that. I don't care how intelligent or convincing some person outside of me sounds.
Anyhow, I'm not sure why I posted that question. Vegetarian, vegan, juice fasting are not options for me (as much as I would like to be flexible in that way). My body is not.
And truthfully, I tend to get kinda angry when people tell me what foods are best for me. So, forgive me. That part is not up for discussion.
I guess I just wanted to hear that if I try this, will I be supported here in a way that works for my body? Or are people going to be trying to convince me to do something that I feel would damage me?