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3 Coffee Enemas = Opened the Liver Floodgates. Uny?
ray34iyf Views: 6,173
Published: 14 y

3 Coffee Enemas = Opened the Liver Floodgates. Uny?

Ok... so, a few days ago I decided to give coffee enemas a shot.

I've done 3 coffee enemas (3 cups solution w/organic coffee) held for 15 minutes, and I've passed roughly 50 Gallstones total with 10 or so clocking in around dime sized or larger. Ever since then, my liver/gallbladder area has been gurgling and popping on it's own almost all of the time. I've been hitting it with castor oil packs and this has been making it gurgle and pop a lot also.

After my coffee enema last night, had a bit of a healing reaction from 10-1pm, where I felt very anxious, shaky, out of sorts, etc... not terrible, just real lousy and sick. My kidney areas have been sore throughout this and my spleen area has been also. Have been hitting all of these areas with castor packs.

My question is, how should I attack the next few days? I've had the IF 1,2 regulated for a few days and have been going about 3-4 times per day... much of it around the same time of day. Do you recommend that I take a day off and lets things settle? It's been a very active few days and I am pretty tired. I also realize that a Liver Flush with oil/juice has to be coming up soon given all I've gotten out with just coffee enemas. Should I give it another week on the IF2 before I do that... and just continue to hit the coffee enemas, foot reflexology, and castor packs up?

Also, given the liver condition, should I focus on that for now or should I focus on the kidneys which have been sore for the past few days and start the kidney cleanse with the tea and tincture?

My diet has been the same pretty much the past 2 weeks. 6-8 cups carrot/celery juice with 6 T superfood, lots of fruit and apples, and grains and sprouts. Have been doing pretty much everything else on the IP.

I have to say, since starting the coffee enemas two days ago, I feel like my condition has taken a step up, and I'm that further along towards full recovery.. they have helped overall alot!... except I did have the tiring experience last night with the symptoms and sore kidneys.

So basically, just keep chugging along with this? Or back off with the liver work for now and give my kidneys some R&R with their cleanse before I proceed to hit the liver hard again?

Lol, not really sure how I should proceed. I do know that I think a day of rest would be helpful.

Thanks much!


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