MMS is an chlorinated oxidative poison
I am a naturopathic health consultant. I have a new client whose immunity has been wrecked by taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . She has never had immunity problems in her life before taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , now suddenly she has a chronic internal infection.
Everyone in this forum needs to understand that, from a naturopathic health perspective,
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is a chlorinated oxidative poison which wrecks your natural immunity, making you dependent on it for killing ordinary bacteria, and ultimately causing chronic disease. It has harmed many, many people.
Humble's confusion is that he does not understand human physiology. He confuses the creation of oxidative molecules by the body in tiny, directed quantities (for instance, by white blood cells) used to kill an individual bacterium, with consuming significant amounts of these chemicals, which wreck immunity by harming the immune cells of the intestine.
MMS should be exposed for what it is - an chlorinated oxidative poison -- and banned internationally. The harm and havoc that it has wreaked is known.
There are naturopathic ways of dealing with disease and maintaining health
in the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Murray and Pizzorno,
that are based on food-derived nutrients instead of synthetic chlorine chemicals.
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