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Re: Day 1 - 30 Day Juice & Water Fast Combination

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Original Hulda Clark
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Re: Day 1 - 30 Day Juice & Water Fast Combination

See my posts underneath. fitness thru fasting answers several.You could take multis but really shouldn't have to on shorter like 30 day water fasts. Juice fasting even less need for multi vitamins.Temptation well after 2 or 3 days you will have no physical hunger.. Mental can live on for the entire fast. usually just tell yourself you can eat whatever you want even a nice looking recipe but after the fast.
Also your tongue will get fugly white stuff,you mouth will taste terrible. I just left it like that and if you did try to taste most foods and stress just a taste you would find most foods after week or so taste terrible anyway. Fact think you have to scrap you tongue to get your taste buds back. Some stuff like fruit juice tastes pretty normal even great .But many foods taste as said bad, mushrooms like rubber,etc.

How you feel depends on if you do pure water or juice fasting. On water very low energy for first week or so. After that improves but doubt you would be more than 50% compared to food or juice. Juice you pretty much can have 100% of normal energy.I did 30 minutes of light walking on treadmill on Water Fast but still had to make myself do it.
On juice no big deal. Normal job is very difficult to do on water only. And you may get very faint on water only you may pass out walking around not sure about driving but could be dangerous. You could hit head,etc.

Juice again not much worries although if you really limit fluid intake you could still pass out wife did on day 10 or so of 28 day juice fast but she severely cut back on juice and water trying to lose weight like me on water.Weight lost well at beginning mostly you just lose water as you are not taking in any salt or carbs and they both hold water in your body.Some people could hold a lot of water and you are heavy so you could hold a fair bit. Some not as much and you have food in your digestive track,,colon etc some have lots and some not so much. A herb and prune thing is good to do prefast.I didn't but have very fast transit time and not much food in me or my digestive track.
Some don't. Water weight can vary from maybe 5 to 10 to maybe 20 or even more and digestive weight could also maybe vary from 5 to maybe 20 or more. Morbidly obese people like 400 or whatever could have lots of stuff in the colon and digestive tract. And some people have real problems with retaining water,bad kidney function etc.

You will regain some weight of course when refeeding.
Thats why to lose say 30 pounds you might have to lose like 40 to 45 ish rough guess.

Multiple fasts may be necessary for someone heavy .
Example am 5ft 6. Was 260 after 40 days of 31 water, 3 juice, 2 water and 4 juice was around 217. That number was maybe up a bit from salt in clamato juice that had during the juice fasting ,had it on purpose you can read my posts to see why drank it. high sodium in short.
Few days post fast my weight went up to 219,then down to 218, other day was 220. Haven't weighed today will weigh in day or so.Some bounce up is normal. Also if you don't plan on permanent change in lifestyle like regular exercise you may gain a lot back and permanent diet changes.
I am using an eat when hungry approach mostly now and doing aerobics and weights,both starting the weights up today 3x weeka and been doing aerobics 5 x week for long time year or more but only could maintain with the aerobics and former eating and was maintaining at 250 to 260 and should weigh likely 180 to 160. I dont' care about bmi think its mostly crap. But do care more about bodyfat and muscle mass.

I am also using an eat stop eat program now started it up this week. But most days dont' bother with breakfast. So thats one meal less calories to worry about and gives me bit more leeway later in day.

Intermittent fasting like eat stop eat they have website or warrior diet of fast-5 also have website and warrior has a book are methods to keep and maintain weight loss permanently. Exercise is also good idea. supplements you can take green tea supplements to help burn more fat all the time and give more energy on the fast.I took them. read my recent posts.
Best of luck.I do think fasting can take off the weight and have talked to people that have kept it off for months and even years mostly with intermittent fasting, the occasional longer fast and with exercise. You don't have to turn to vegetarian,raw food person,etc you can eat normal food trying of course to eat healthy quality stuff but that don't mean you can't have occasional piece of cherry pie with white flour and white Sugar even. People get pretty weird about food.

So good luck on the fast.You can do it.


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