14 y
Re: Important - Please Read. Part One, The Rules
Did you see what Doc just wrote about using it to get a chemical response and not as a dietary supplement??? We've posted over and over and over that there is not enough of the phosphoric acid in the amount we use for the flush prep drink to appreciably do anything of the sort like leech calcium out of your bones. You'd need a much bigger amount than what we use to do that.
BTW, WHY are you doing this program? Because your body has already leeched the calcium out of your bones because your colon is dirty and your digestive system hasn't been absorbing calcium for a long time? Because your liver is sick and not producing enough bile? Don't blame it on the Ultraphos, blame it on your own body's condition in the colon when you started this program.
Get your major and trace minerals from Celtic Sea salt, from the numerous herbal preps Barefoot has--especially his tree iodine--, or from Dulse. You're already low in minerals if you're sick, and it has nothing or precious little to do with the Ultraphos.