Important - Please Read. Part One, The Rules
Natural Healing has basic fundamentals that ALL in Natural Healing utilize.
It doesn't matter if you read Barefoot, Schulze, Clark or any of the other excellent forums on this site. They ALL approach true Healing the same way.
This is Part One of how they, and myself, do it.
Part One: The Rules.
Guytons Physiology book -
1. Its NORMAL to be healthy
2. The definition of health is DESIGNED FUNCTION. That means if all cells in the human body are performing their designed function that body MUST be healthy.
3. Cellular health is dependant on 4 requirements. They are:
a. Communication with the rest of the cells in the body.
b. A clean environment to live in.
c. Correct nutrition.
d. Movement, exercise.
These are the rules that MUST be in place in order to acquire full abundant health. They come straight out of the top physiology book in the world. They are NOT arguable. They are the science that scientific relies on.
You can read and study any of the true health experts on this site and see that they are in some way applying the necessary protocols to accomplish the cellular requirements the rules mandate.
Get this, really understand this, accept this. It will go a long way to resolving the "brainwash" the drug companies and disease treaters have manipulated you into accepting.
The biggest problem in Natural Healing is the mental conditioning the individual has had since birth. Knowing "The Rules" goes a long way to eliminate that "brainwash".
For those of you with forums on this site, start teaching this. It fully explains what you do and why it works.
Doc Sutter
"The Paradigm Shift in Health Care" - second edition, ebook only. $20.00.