14 y
Need help with work desicion !!
SInce crashing really bad a week ago after working for a couple of hours I realise it is time for me to focus 100% on my health and to delegate all work.
I am contemplating selling my business or getting rid of it.
Did any of you had to take such desicion with their work and businesses?
I feel like I am trowing away everything I have been building in the last few year and It sickens me to do it right when everything was going really good.
I am really apprehensive of living without a revenue and relying only on my parents for financial support.
I am suppose to go sign a pretty big contract this week with an important client and the pressure is on me to take a decision that I am having a really hard time taking .
I know I could get by with a few hours of work every week but since crashing last week I feel like any work might be too much. It is getting to be a loose loose situation for me and I feel stuck . If I could know for sure I would be better in a few month I would sign that contract and do management work.....
Any of you had do deal with similar situation ? whats the good move I am clueless.