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Re: Sick and tired

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Mighty.Sun.Tzu Views: 1,963
Published: 14 y
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Re: Sick and tired

Buddy is on strict 1500 calorie day diet and losing about 2lbs week and he weighs around 220ish was 240 so seems he is at around 2500 day with just his job no other exercise.

This sounds reasonable.  If his BMR was 2500 i would expect him to be losing 2 pounds per week... 1000 deficit per day x 7 = 7000.  7000/3500 = 2 pounds.

Ok math..overweight 300 pound person could be using up 3000 calories a day. BMR .... But back to the the 3000 bmr person...... So on water only they would be close to losing pound a day of fat.

3000 calories per day would likely burn about .75 pounds of fat per day and about 300 calories worth of protein type tissue.  If you round .75 pounds per day up to a pound, over 40 days you'd be over-estimating the fat loss by 10 pounds. And this is not taking into account the slowing metabolism which you agree is happening by virtue of weight loss alone.  

If you are throwing out metablic slowdown that has never been directly proven in studies but is inferred by number crunching /guessing since they seemed to find something that didn't always totally agree with data they called it starvation response.

No actually this has been well established through vo2 (oxygen consumption) and other measurements.  You might be thinking about how metabolism is not slowed in the first couple of days but it is certainly slowed in a long fast as the body is making many adjustments to conserve it's reserves.  

But simply losing weight lowers bmr. Its not permanent and can be be increased with exercise and other things like green tea can improve it some too.  Weights are more effective for longer periods of time of giving increased bmr aerobics works too but not as much.

All true and high intensity cardio increases metabolism a lot more than slow and steady aerobics. After a long fast our metabolism will gradually work it's way back to normal within about 6 weeks.

Now skinny people thin women or people like you when you are down to like 139 or whatever was your low point..120?100? would for sure have lower bmr maybe 1500?

138 or 139 was my low point as i stated and i estimate that my body fat was about 7 or 8% at this weight... But my normal water levels were low making me so thin and light.  Gaining back the temporary losses was most welcome and made my body look quite good by filling it in very nicely.

There are people on the board the other board the weight loss board that have kept the weight off not had these giant regains that you have had people on there right now.

Even if this is true, your 5-10 pound "rule of thumb" for temporary losses in a long fast is too low. I can tell you with absolute certainty that i'm not the only person who has gained back 20 pounds in 3 weeks after a long fast before leveling off. Your rule of thumb should account for such people as this as well, not just the ones with the lowest gains.

Will see what my weight does after few weeks. Currently its staying close to end weight within a pound after three days of refeed and I can assure you I don't refeed on fruit and vegetables ,had meat day one chicken asian salad with spicy dressing actually no problems at all and seafood stir fry day two again no problems at all.Cheese omelet with vegies day three no problems,piece of toast and little bit of hashbrowns with ketchup,salt and pepper.

Interesting food choices.  The fact that you already did some juicing on your way out of your mostly water diet and that you were taking supplements, diet soda and bites of food throughout your entire journey would account for your digestive system never going deep into slumber and being able to handle more at this time.

Also being thin you are likely going to have maybe a big appetite since you are likely going into muscle and more important tissues on some of your long fasts.

Not a chance that this was happening and if it was my body would have adamantly alerted me in the form of genuine hunger. 

But hey if gain 20 to 25 pounds in next what did you say week or two weeks and let me assure you I eat things with salt in there and sometimes plenty of it then you can maybe say you told me so.

I actually said 3 weeks and i also said that everybody is different.  It is quite possible that you lost less temporary water than me. I was expressing my example as one that fell way outside of your rule of thumb... and i have spoken with many others for whom this was true as well. I have read a lot of accounts of people discouraged and frustrated at gaining so much weight back after a fast eating very little and i'm just interested in helping them to see that this gain has everything to do with the temporary water and intestinal content losses. 

And really I can't see someone who weighs 120 pounds starting losing 25 or 30 pounds of water weight on a 40 day fast.

Neither can i.  Where did you pull this from? I started at 177 and estimate about 18 pounds of temporary water loss (plus some intestinal content), not 25 or 30 pounds. For somebody starting at 120 and accounting for our individual differences, it might be 6-12, not 25 or 30. 



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