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Re: Sick and tired

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Re: Sick and tired

Ok math..overweight 300 pound person could be using up 3000 calories a day. BMR .Buddy is on strict 1500 calorie day diet and losing about 2lbs week and he weighs around 220ish was 240 so seems he is at around 2500 day with just his job no other exercise.
But back to the the 3000 bmr person... So on water only they would be close to losing pound a day of fat.Water of course having zero calories.And afer they lose 50 lbs then their bmr will drop of course to say 2500.Just picking numbers but of course your bmr goes down when you lose weight.If you are throwing out metablic slowdown that has never been directly proven in studies but is inferred by number crunching /guessing since they seemed to find something that didn't always totally agree with data they called it starvation response.

But simply losing weight lowers bmr. Its not permanent and can be be increased with exercise and other things like green tea can improve it some too.
Weights are more effective for longer periods of time of giving increased bmr aerobics works too but not as much.

Now skinny people thin women or people like you when you are down to like 139 or whatever was your low point..120?100? would for sure have lower bmr maybe 1500? So now fasting on water yeah not likely you would keep losing pound a day maybe half pound a day if you were still doing some exercise and out and about at work,etc. Now on juice obviously person could have days of no weight loss if they took in 1500 day and needed 1500 day.

There are people on the board the other board the weight loss board that have kept the weight off not had these giant regains that you have had people on there right now.
Will see what my weight does after few weeks. Currently its staying close to end weight within a pound after three days of refeed and I can assure you I don't refeed on fruit and vegetables ,had meat day one chicken asian salad with spicy dressing actually no problems at all and seafood stir fry day two again no problems at all.Cheese omelet with vegies day three no problems,piece of toast and little bit of hashbrowns with ketchup,salt and pepper.

You could still gain a lot of weight eating fruits and vegetables and especially nuts. All depends on what ones you eat. Bananas are pretty calorie dense, so are potatoes,corn, lots of carby vegetables and nuts are very calorie dense.If you want to post your exact food logs we might be able to figure out why you are gaining back so much so fast. Also being thin you are likely going to have maybe a big appetite since you are likely going into muscle and more important tissues on some of your long fasts. You can post bodyfat numbers before and after if you like.
My bodfat went from around 50% to 35% and dropped about 42 pounds.On 40 day water fast. Did exercise and did green tea capsules both of which are known and proven to raise metabolic rate. So for me the numbers seem correct.

But hey if gain 20 to 25 pounds in next what did you say week or two weeks and let me assure you I eat things with salt in there and sometimes plenty of it then you can maybe say you told me so.

And really I can't see someone who weighs 120 pounds starting losing 25 or 30 pounds of water weight on a 40 day fast. Then again really think people like 5% are goign to start mabye dying at 20 days from the muscle loss and other important tissue loss. 15% prisoners started dying at 60 days in irish strike study.

Anyway I am doing my own experiment right now and talking to others on weight loss fasting board that have done this with good results and no weight gain like you had.
Girl on ytube that bounced up like 16 pounds think it was but went three 40 day Water Fasts with few weeks of normal food in between, breaing fast on 4 oz stead one time.. managed on six month update to stay around 120 pounds. So she managed to lose 80 pounds total as she started at 200 and if according to you she lost maybe 15 pounds of fat each 40 day fast than guess she has been really successful at keep that 35 pounds of water weight off. Her story is on youtube.


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