Re: ~~ Moreless ~~
Hi Moreless,
First I would like to thank you for your HUGE AND REFRESHING input here in the CUREZONE.
I have been reading all your posts in the different forums (it took me not less than 8 hours) and find your contribution really helpful.
I'll be doing next weekend a
Liver Flush and I'm going to use your suggestion of
taking some extra calcium to neutralize the sulfuric acid from the
Epsom Salts .
Usually in a normal
Liver Flush one takes 4 table spoons of ES spread in four times:
At 6.00 pm, 8.00 pm, and then the next day in the morning two more times (spaced two hours).
My questions are:
1.) How much calcium do you think is the right amount for that amount of ES?
2.) At what time should the calcium be taken?
I understand that the sulphuric acid produced by the ES is good for clearing up the toxic deposits, but the acid can be too much if there is not enough alkaline reserves in the body.
Given the different times in which ES is taken, which schedule will be ideal for taking the calcium in order to allow the acid do its work and also to achieve proper neutralization?