Re: relaxation from Epsom Salt
Hi bkrisp,
There are "ONLY" two Minerals which will relax the body tissue and muscles!
One is Magnesium and the other is Calcium!!
Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate!!
What does this mean?
It means that when you take this form of Magnesium, that as it enters your body and is mixed with water , that there is a Chemical reaction which takes place between the
Epsom Salt and water, which provides for a release of Magnesium and for a release or formation of Sulfuric acid from the Sulfate, and this sulfuric acid then will find Calcium if possible to react against and provide a release of Calcium Energy also!!
This is one of the reasons that I recommend a person take a small pinch of
Epsom Salt with each meal, and especially with any form of Calcium supplement, so as to provide the Energy Release from Calcium and also to get the Magnesium Energy release at the same Time!!
Any other form of Magnesium without the sulfate, will not provide this reaction!!
Smile Tis your choice.