Re: Is GLIOBLASTOMIA beatable? I need advice please
"you are so destructive in your comments!!!
why do you oppose healing with alkalinity?"
Because acid/base theory threatens the medical establishment more then any other science!
You must have gotten bored on being disruptive on the politics board so you decided to come here and be disrutptive.
By the way Ryan I work with alternative medicines, not mainstream medicines. You really ought to get your facts straight before posting.
Notice how infantile his excuse is for discrediting this theory! Kanga water !!
What's Kanga? I was discussing the dangers of Kangen water and their sales hype.
As if this is what pH "BALANCING" is all about,,
Forcing the body in to a hyperalkaline state IS NOT balancing the pH, it is creating imbalances. Just another example of the people who come here trying to act like experts when they do not have a clue what they are talking about.