Re: So baking soda and molasses and ph strips won't work
The hype that's going around that cancer cannot live in an alkaline body is not true then?
Yes, the claim alkalinity cures cancer is a myth.
What about all these baking soda molasses stories, ph strips? They won't cure it?
I addressed the baking soda thing before. When this was used to kill cancer cells it was a direct injection at the cancer site. This creates an osmotic shift on the cancer cells killing them, NOTHING to do with alkalinizing. Ingesting baking soda is not going to do the same thing.
As for molasses, this provides sugar and iron, both of which can help cancers grow.
And pH strips will tell you very little. The pH of urine or saliva DOES NOT reflect pH elsewhere in the body including the blood. The only way you can determine blood pH is with a blood draw. And even that can change in seconds. For example you can alkalinize the blood quickly by hyperventilating. But the resulting alkalosis will cause you to pass out and you will stop breathing temporarily as a means to gut the pH back down since alkalinity is also very dangerous.