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Re: HELP!!! Worried about doing the cleanse while breastfeeding. NEED ADVICE :)
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Re: HELP!!! Worried about doing the cleanse while breastfeeding. NEED ADVICE :)

New mom~
I'm a nursing mom, and I just completed my 3rd flush. I did the parasite flush first. The only problems I've encountered are with the fasting. It's really hard to not eat after nursing. I feel slightly faint and nauseous...drained, ya know?
Yesterday I added some butter to my baked potatoe at 1:30pm, and that did help me fast for the rest of the day and I still had a great flush.
My baby is 22 months, so I feel comfortable giving her a bottle of raw milk when it doesn't work for me to nurse. Since your baby is still just a little nugget, I recommend pumping a couple bottles worth if possible ( I never could pump worth a darn). I'm only guessing that it doesn't hurt my milk, because she doesn't react negatively in any way and still wants to nurse 24/7 even if I put a spoonful or two of maple syrup in the bottle of milk as a shameless bribe.
I don't know if it's the Epsom Salts or the fasting, probably both, but you're right about your milk supply being affected. It will come right back, though, as soon as you start eating and drinking again. If you pump a half days supply before your fast, you shouldn't have any worries. If not, a couple of bottles of formula at 5 or 6 months shouldn't do any permanent damage. I'm the queen lactivist, but occaisional supplementation is no crime. When my baby was about 7 months, I got sick and wound up in the hospital for a week. I took fenugreek capsules and my milk came back immediately. I swear, you'll be able to squirt your husband in the eye from across the room if you start taking fenugreek. Aren't boobs fun?!?
The parasite cleanse is your call. Lots of people skip it. I did it with no noticable problems for myself or my baby.
I was scared to do the flush at first. I took several months preparing my self for it mentally. What a waste of time, that was! I could have been flushing!!!!
Best wishes!


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