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Parasites and gallstones, Gallstones and hormones -Questions
sunshine55 Views: 8,958
Published: 14 y

Parasites and gallstones, Gallstones and hormones -Questions

Hope someone can help explain a couple thing to me in regards to parasites and gallstones. Why is it that after getting rid of a liver parasite that one might experience gallstone pain? Can parasites cause gallstones?

Is gallstone pain usually only found on the right side and back? I have pain in my right side and sometimes towards the left and lower, is it possible the pain towards the left could be a stone in the liver and not gallbladder?

What blood tests can I have done to confirm gallstones? Are elevated blood calcium results a good indication of gallstones? I done the flush many times, but haven't had much luck with my last 5 flushes, so am taking GCG to help crush large stones which may be the reason Im not having a sucessful flush.

I have been having alot of problems with my hormones being all high (estrogen and progesterone), could it be possible that there is a stone lodged in my liver? The doctors I see cant explain why both of these hormones are so high. My naturopath has put me on a cleansing diet, but for some reason I feel like theres more to it. I have done so many fasts and cleanses in the past. And I never drink etc, so cant understand why I have this prob.
Has anybody gone through this before? Anybodys thoughts to this are appreciated, Iam desperate for answers.


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