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Re: Parasites and gallstones, Gallstones and hormones -Questions
AngelofEventide Views: 7,843
Published: 14 y
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Re: Parasites and gallstones, Gallstones and hormones -Questions

To my knowledge, there is no blood test to show stones. Even ultrasound, which is the standard for finding them is not reliable. Trust me, I have been there and done that. For months I suffered horrible pain in my GB and no one would take it seriously. I had had an ultrasound and it only showed one or two stones and they didn't think that serious enough to do anything. It got to the point where I was down to eating about 5 things, very bland things and I had lost like 30 lbs. in a month. My doctor insisted that I needed surgery and it was the insurance company who was dragging their feet, saying there wasn't enough proof that I needed it. It took a month to get approval and I was horribly sick. By the time they got in there, my GB had essentially burst and was in pieces, filled to overflowing with stones. The typical one hour surgery took almost three, because there was so much scar tissue attached to my other organs, they had to scrape it all off. They removed all of the stones of course as well. So I'm just saying all these so called "tests" are not the end all and be all. The doctor said if I didn't have the surgery I would have died (gee thanks, good for nothing insurance company!). That being said, if there is any way to save your GB I would try. All of my health problems started once I had my GB out. It's been 15 years of misery.

For the record I don't drink either and I have hypothyroid like symptoms, but basically I am supposedly not. I don't smoke or take drugs either, don't drink coffee, etc. I think a lot of it could be genetics. My mom had her GB out and my grandma I am convinced had liver/GB issues as her abdomen was always destended (she always looked 9 months pregnant, despite being petite), and had a ton of health issues. In her case, I think she should have had hers out, but who knows. Hopefully your ND has you on some good liver cleanse and support herbs. My ND has me on three different ones and since I have been on them, my BM's have returned to a normal color and I have finally started to lose weight. I've also noticed some die-off like stuff going on, so I don't know if the die-off is from toxin clearing out of the liver, or toxin clearing from the other health problems I have. I will probably be on this kind of stuff for the rest of my life, because not having a GB makes your liver struggle more.


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