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Re: bugs in my sector
angrymorg Views: 3,274
Published: 14 y
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Re: bugs in my sector


I have wiry-like rapidly growing fibers coming out from my lesions and I do have granules that are wrapped in those fibers as well. I most definitely have Morgellons, I also have Morgellons listed as a cause in my medical history, however, they made the remark that the CDC has not confirmed this diagnoses so no further diagnoses could be made nor treatment offered.

The larva looks very similar to what is erupting out of my skin daily, many of us have granules of black, white, red, brown coming out of the skin. Is it really larva...can't say, it looks more like plastic to's quite rubbery-like.

I do believe Morgellons is a manmade disease from either pestiscide use, aerosol spraying, and or tampering with genetics in our food supply. The variations in the disease could be the exposure are coming from various situations. I do relate to some of the photos you have placed online, but not all. I am someone who has serious skin issues from this, where many of you say you are healing. I continue to struggle, I have tried a lot of things to remedy this without any success. The only time I see improvements is when I haven't had chem trailing for several days which is now virtually never. I think too, you can compound your situation by taking things that cause other problems. There are several symptoms of Morgellons and we are all different in how we suffer, yet very much the same:)


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