..a year and a half of digging thru body tissues..
looking..and looking hard..for whatever is there.
Have seen NO evidence of anything that looks like
insect or larval activity. I can see down to around
a micron or so..if they are there.. I should have found
The only "bug like object" that I've caught with a camera..are a couple
of Demodex mites...and they were found where I expected
to find them..on my face..just down the block from the
mysteriously missing eyelashes. Mystery no more.
Demodex calles eyelash follicles.."home"...apparently
they displaced the hair with all their wiggling about.
I continue to be amazed by the stories of all manner
of insects and helminths..and..other identifiable critters
that folks find in their skin and lesions. They are
fighting a different battle than the one that I'm dealing with. My attackers are fibers of several kinds..and the
particles that they launch from.
It is unfortunate that the term "morgellons" seems to be
applied to any sort of misadventure involving the skin...
too much time has gone by without a serious attempt by
the "national level protectors of health" to determine
what array of symptoms constitute "morgellons syndrome".
...I consider the "handle" of "morgellons" to be unfortunate. I understand how it happened..but attaching
the phenomena being experienced in the 21st century to
"something" that was reported in the 17th Century to be
less than helpful. CDC not helping out much with their
"Unexplained Dermopathy" tag either...but then "being helpful" in regard to "morgs" is not on their short list of things to do.
Meanwhile..we keep looking..if I find any insect activity
it will be tagged and bagged..and take it's place
among the other evidence gathered...
25,000 microphotographs? Oy..
I REALLY have to get edumacated on using a database
management program. [Open Office is free..get on it, slacker..]
It's not enough of HAVE a pic of
"some mysterious thing"
..you also have to be able to FIND IT
months later when you acquire the missing puzzle pieces
that makes the "mysterious thing"..less..umm..mysterious.