Interesting view of Morgellons
Someone had this on another forum and it did make some sense to me and did explain the different things coming out from the skin:
Also I'm curious if any of you have ever had a scan of your skin for bacteria? It's a special new technology used by M.D. aetheticians. Inquiring about this and looking into a different type of treatment that really focuses on the skin since the Dermotologists can't seem to do their jobs!
Still waiting on EPA, stall out may be due to what they've been looking into. Will be calling them soon though to see what's up. They promised to call back and it's only been about four days so, I'll give them a few more to see if they too will give the run around which is more or less what I always assume with these organizations. But I like to bug them as much as I can anyway.
I have serious skin issues so I can't relate to getting better once I relapsed a few times. After the third onset from clearups I can't get rid of this stuff it's more resistant than ever.
I do agree PH is very important and I'm not always good at doing what I have to when I'm in my seventh year of H....ll! Actually the last two years have been the worst, before that I couldn't image it being this bad. Need something much stronger than what is being mentioned here. Already done that, been there, and....IT'S BACK!!!