Hi, I'M new with the Iodine use for FBD, but I found that painting the breast with 2-3 Lugols (5%) drops helps to stop the pain. I apply it directly on the spot where my cysts are.
I also changed my bras, from underwire to "friendlier molded cups" and this is all I wear now. The look is still good, but my breasts aren't constricted anymore. I found these bras at department stores.
If you want to get the lymph moving, wich is a must with FBD, you can massage your breasts. Go to "breast healt project" on the web, they have a video that shows how to do a lymphatic massage. I do it daily, and it alleviates the pain in minutes.(it comes back, though...this is why I want to try iodine).
5 minutes of trampoline each day is also great to help the lymph flow.