Thanks for the article, intersting! The kefir I used was by Helios and they add FOS/inulin. I wonder now if the bloating could have been a reaction to the inulin rather than the kefir's bacteria (I had no problems drinking it oversees). So, it could be either that it was too strong for me like you said, or I reacted to some additives like FOS/inulin (very likely, because the kind of gas it gave me was ferocious, I had the same kind when I ate soy and then found out I was allergic to it).
You said you now get your grains from your friends you had given them to. I thought once you have the grains, you have them forever, they replicate and you just keep re-using them and giving away the extras. Am I right? What about the kind that comes in a package and can only be used once, like Body Ecology, is that any good?
Thanks for the info.