Re: AF = Rapid Aging
Hv, I have gingivitis as well. It worsened through my vitamin c megadosing with Dr Lam.
I am currently taking 1000mg of amla and 1000 mg of Quantum. My gums continue to be severely swollen. I don't believe it to be from plaque as my dental hygene is perfect, although I haven't had my teeth cleaned for a while for fear of damage, because my gums are so sensitive.
What other vitamin deficiencies could be causing this? I know that mercury toxicity can cause gingivitis. I only have one filling, but that tooth hurts especially bad and based on xrays it is free of cavities. My hair analysis showed extremely high levels of mercury. Otherwise, I seem to have a systemic chronic Candida issue and I've read that oral Candida can cause gingivitis as well.
I'm scheduled to have my teeth cleaned this Wednesday, but I feel like the wrong move could puncture my gums, they are so swollen.
I'm currently oil pulling with coconut oil and oil of oregano. Hydrogen peroxide made shooting pains in my teeth so I'm no longer doing that.
Your thoughts? Suggestion? Thank you!