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Re: AF = Rapid Aging
Hveragerthi Views: 7,267
Published: 14 y
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Re: AF = Rapid Aging

 I've been experiencing rapid aging of skin etc. every day, as well as gum recession and other markers of dehydration or catabolism, which is gradually leading me to my grave.

I was wondering if anyone else experienced this, particularly when not sticking to keeping blood sugar balanced and salt water drinking.

This is common.  Look at how fast meth addicts who burn out their adrenals age.

The problem starts with the fact that the adrenals get priority for vitamin C over the entire rest of the body.  Things like skin, tendons, ligaments, gums, etc. are low priority.   The lack of vitamin C to these tissues leads to loss of collagen and elastin, which require vitamin C for production.  The loss of these structural proteins lead to tissue deterioration, such as receding gums, and loss of tissue elasticity  leading to problems like wrinkles.

Same reason smokers also age faster.



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