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Re: How long was it before you felt a difference.
just thinking Views: 2,914
Published: 14 y
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Re: How long was it before you felt a difference.

Bless you, that's no fun at all. Every time you finish a bout of detox and feel clear again, you'll tell a difference. You'll bop along, humming a tune, and the next round will hit you out of the blue. Every time the gunk comes out, you'll feel lighter and have a larger sense of the possibilities. Maybe after a year (?) you might level off a bit, but depending on what you've accumulated and what you're exposed to, three years might be needed for stability. Maybe your cleanses will shorten that timeline. For instance, we've been through two rounds of old injection sites that start aching and feeling like they're pushing something out, separated by a year.

From what I've picked up on, Trapper has seen the other side, as has Wombat and Vulcanel. Perhaps others have as well. I'm still in the middle, as is Hubby, but we're much better off than we were in the beginning 3-1/2 years ago. I have a long history of psych meds to detox, plus candida and hypothyroidism. Hubby's family inheritance is extreme longevity cursed by dementia. We celebrate every year on the anniversary of having our amalgam fillings out! And bless that so many here have shared their stories so we didn't feel crazy so much of the time. LOL  Best wishes, Darren!



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